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Pozitive Planet | How we can help

How we can help

Pozitive Planet brings together business products to make it simpler and more efficient to run your organisation more sustainably. Our products include Energy, Insurance, Payments, Telecommunications and Electric Vehicle Charging.

There are lots of ways we can help you and your business:

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We save you money

Every product we offer is competitively priced and will be designed to suit your needs and budget. The more products you take, the more you save.

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We make it easy

No business owner wants to spend hours looking at their spending and managing services. Do everything from a single, simple portal, so you can get back to the day job.

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We help you go green

Drive business sustainability with Pozitive Planet – our products have the environment at heart.

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We prepare you for the future

Our experienced and knowledgeable team will make sure you’re aware of how to report on your sustainable practices and meet government guidelines.

Keep it simple… and save

Our years in the energy sector have taught us a lot about what businesses need from their suppliers: simplicity and savings.

By signing up to Pozitive Planet you’ll unlock discounts across multiple services you’re your energy, utilities, insurance, telecom and other needs.

Our experts are on hand to build a suite of services to match your needs, keeping things as simple and low-cost as possible.

[ Explore our products]

UK Business focused

We only work with UK businesses – and we’re here to help you grow and succeed.

Expect advice from knowledgeable experts who can add real value to how you operate. Save time, get better visibility of your costs and financial performance. We’re here to help you get the best out of your business.

Our nationwide, on-the-ground customer service force is on hand to answer your questions and resolve any issues personally.

[ Sign up ]

Want to know more?

Explore our site to understand everything on offer from Pozitive Planet. Or just get in touch and one of our customer service colleagues will explain how you can benefit from the Pozitive Planet portfolio.