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Pozitive Planet | EV Charging
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Simple, Seamless and Smart.

We provide an easy way to give your customers the EV charging facilities they need, with zero stress and no upfront cost to you.


Simple installation, 24/7 support, low cost, high income, 100% green.


It’s a no-brainer.

How it works… Easy green charging in 5 simple steps

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1. Desktop Survey

You complete a quick and easy online questionnaire and our EVC experts will be in touch to discuss the most suitable options for you.

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2. You choose 

Sign up to the best plan for you – once you’ve signed we can visit your site

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3. We plan

We visit your site to work out the best place for your charger and create a plan based on your preference and set the wheels in motion!

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4. We install

It all gets real! Our team arrives to install the chargers so your customers can start charging.

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5. Easy, green charging begins

Your customers can plug in, charge up and you start earning!

Super simple charging

What makes us different from other providers is how easy we’ve made this for your customers.

We know that EV drivers want easy access to charging points, that are easy to use and pay for.


No app, no sign ups, no downloading required.

Simply tap and pay with a smartphone, debit / credit card or RFID card.


What could be easier? 

Why it makes sense

We’re all about the pozitives and easy, green EV chargers are full of them

You’re doing your bit for the planet –
We all HAVE to do this!


Being green is great for your brand – strengthen your green credentials and build your reputation


Be their green choice – 2/3 of customers prefer to buy from brands who care about the environment


You’ll attract new customers who
can charge with you


Customers will stay longer, potentially spending more – we can help you integrate charging into your own reward schemes

Contact Us


Revenue Share

The electric revolution is here. Is your business ready to make money from charging, while providing a valuable service to your customers?

Contact Us

Why choose us?

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to get charging from signing the agreement?

We move fast. After signing your agreement, the installation plan begins, and you’ll typically be up and running within weeks.

What should I tell my customers if there are any payment processing problems or technical errors?

We own the maintenance of the charger 100%. You’ll be provided with a 24/7 technical help support number so that we’re always here if there’s a problem. If we find a problem, we fix it fast.

I haven’t had many requests for an EV charger yet. Is this really something I need to consider?

The short answer is yes. Government Net Zero plans mean that in the coming years, we’ll see a full phase out of newly registered petrol and diesel cars. We have no choice but to get ready for the wider rollout of EVs, which need infrastructure in place to run them.

Will people be able to find us easily and know we have a charger on site?

Yes. We’ll make sure your location is added to our EV charger map online and we’ll ensure it is part of the most well-used map apps.

How much money could this really make me?

If customers charge for just 3.5 hours a day, we predict that a dual charger will bring in £150 – £200 in income every month.

If I sign up but find it isn’t being used, can I cancel the agreement?

Of course – subject to a cancellation fee.  But we don’t think you will! Our model is designed to create revenue for your business through charging.  If it isn’t working for your business, give us 3 months’ notice and we’ll end the agreement and remove the charger from your site. Remember that customers charging tend to spend more time in your business and this usually means they spend more.

If I sign up to this, are there deals to be had with your other energy products?

Yes! We are part of the Pozitive Planet group offering a wide range of low cost, high quality services to SMEs. We’ll talk you through our portfolio of services and work out how we can save you money right across your business.

Want to find out more?

We know that people buy people, so contact us today for a conversation about how Pozitive Planet can benefit your business.