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Pozitive Planet | Pozitive Telecom’s Roaming Policy

Non-geographic, Premium Rate Numbers/Services and International Destinations

Roaming charges vary depending on where in the world you are and where you are calling. We break the calls down into nine zones so you see how much a call will cost from each zone to another.

Charges for roaming in the EU

When roaming in the EU you can use your call minutes[1], texts and data allowance as if you were in the UK. Whichever package you have signed-up for will work the same as when you are in the EU.  This means that using your plan allowance in any of the destinations covered will cost the same as it does at home. For the list of countries included in the EU please go to [     link          ].

Outside the UK or EU

If you are outside the UK or the EU you will be charged for all you call minutes, texts and data. Please the see [link] which details all the respective call charges you pay when making or receiving calls when outside of the UK and the EU. This will include sending texts message[2] and receiving calls.

Calls made using Teams, WhatsApp, Skype or other over the top data services will be charged [ taken from ] from your data allowance whether in the UK or roaming. Due to the way you charged outside of the UK or EU we strongly recommend, where possible, you connect to a local WiFi service for all your data services.

Any roaming charges you have incurred will be shown on your next monthly bill.

Other information

What happens if I have a Spend Cap?

If you have a spend cap in place to help control your bills you may need to check it and increase the cap when travelling abroad. Roaming charges count towards your spend cap, so if you reach your limit, we will automatically block usage to prevent unwanted charges. To check your usage please go to [ my account at [link]] and check your daily usage.

Regardless of any cap’s which may be in place we will send you an alert as you reach £50 spend to help you stay aware of your spend.

All calls

If any individual call lasts more than 120 minutes we will automatically cut you off. This applies to all calls whether you are roaming or not.

[1] Calls made using Teams, WhatsApp, Skype or other over the top data services will be charged from your data allowance whether in the UK or roaming.

[2] You will be charged for all text messages. If your text message is over 160 characters you will be charged for a further text message each time you are over the 160 characters.