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Pozitive Planet | Complaints Code of Practice – Mobile service

Complaints Code of Practice

Mobile service

We are committed to offering the very best in customer service. However, we know that things do sometimes go wrong and we are committed to resolving any complaints in a timely manner.

Pozitive will endeavour to resolve any complaint to your satisfaction. Where this is not possible you have the option of referring your complaint to an alternative dispute resolution service. We are members of the Ombudsman Service, and in the event you wish to take your complaint further, the details of this service can be found at the end of this document.


Step 1

If your complaint is related to a service you received from Pozitive Telecom, please call our Customer Care Team on [tel 0333     ], or

  • send an email to [ ], please include all the information specified above.
  • write to us at the following address:

[             ]

  • raise a complaint via [webchat].

When sending an email or writing to us please include the following information as this will enable us to handle your complaint more efficiently:

  • Your name and any relevant account details;
  • The date the problem occurred and details of the problem;
  • Your telephone number;

Our team will discuss with you your complaint and try to resolve your complaint with you as quickly as possible. This will normally be carried out over the phone; however, if a call is not suitable, please advise how we best get in touch with you.

If it is not possible to resolve your complaint in the immediate term we will advise of the steps which will be taken and the timescales. Where a complaint needs further information and cannot be resolved immediately, we aim to update you in 10 days; however, this may not always be possible depending on the nature of the complaint.


Step 2

If you are not satisfied with the way your complaint is being handled or the response we have provided, you can ask for your complaint to be escalated by being passed to our Complaints Team, who will undertake an independent internal review.

Please be aware that our Complaints Team can only assist with matters that our Customer Care Team have dealt with first. You can contact our Complaints Team by emailing [          ]

Once we have proposed a resolution for the complaint, we require you to confirm you are happy with the outcome within 28 days. After this time the complaint will be deemed closed.

If you are unhappy with our conclusion of your complaint after it has through the process under step 2, you may refer the issue to the Ombudsman Service, details can be found below.


Your right to have the matter referred to ADR

If you have not received a satisfactory response from us and we have reached ‘deadlock’ or eight weeks have passed since you first registered your complaint, it can be referred to Ombudsman Services ( for their impartial review. This service is free of charge to you. Any decision they make will be binding on us, but not on you, so you can seek further advice if you wish to.

To take your complaint to the Ombudsman Service, we will send you an ADR letter, which you will need to share with them. We are required to send an ADR letter to you:

  1. a) where your complaint has been through every stage of our internal complaints process and we have informed you of the outcome of that investigation, you have confirmed that you do not consider the proposed outcome to be satisfactory, and we have confirmed that we do not intend to take any further action with regard to the dispute; or
  2. b) automatically, if after 8 (eight) weeks of lodging your complaint and us confirming receipt, it remains unresolved.

Contact details for the Ombudsman Service are as follows:


Independent support 

Independent advice is available to domestic and microbusiness customers at any stage from Citizens Advice. You may wish to contact Citizens Advice if you need help in relation to your rights concerning a communications service – for example with your bills or meters, or if you’re struggling to pay for the communications services you use.

Go to scroll down to the Phone, TV or internet section.

You can contact an adviser through the national phone service:


Advice Helpline free (Scotland): 0800 028 1456

Relay UK – this service maybe easier if you trouble using the phone or can’t hear or speak easily, you can type what you want to say:

18001 then the Adviceline or Advicelink number. You can use Relay UK with an app or a textphone. There’s no extra charge to use it. Find out how to use Relay UK on the Relay UK website.

Adviceline is available 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday. It’s usually busiest at the beginning and end of the day. It’s not available on public holidays.