At Pozitive, we appreciate that everyone is different and circumstances change, be it long term or temporarily. We want the end-users of our services to receive the best possible service and we believe everyone should have quality access to connectivity in this digital age. To achieve this, we provide a number of services to support our customers and their employees or authorised users with diverse needs. This includes the needs of persons with disabilities, or those who, as a result of their circumstances, may be vulnerable in some other way. In this policy document, we refer to these persons as “Vulnerable Customers” or “you”.
This policy document states the services we offer to help make life better for everyone, including our Vulnerable Customers.
Identifying Needs
In order to offer a consistent service, it helps if we can record limited information on Vulnerable Customers with respect to the nature of their vulnerabilities and how we can help them better. We may need to ask permission to keep a record of this information, which will be recorded on our system for internal use.
There is no strict definition of a Vulnerable Customer that is required to use our additional services. There may be a number of factors that could influence the cause of a vulnerability. Each one could be temporary or permanent, vary widely, and may not always be obvious. For example, a person may be vulnerable due to factors such as:
- Age
- Physical or learning disability
- Physical or mental illness
- Low literacy skills
- Communication difficulties
- Changes in circumstances, such as bereavement or financial difficulties.
Whilst not everyone with a disability is vulnerable and each person is different, we are ready to provide support services where needed. We would encourage Vulnerable Customers to inform our Customer Services of their needs to ensure we can offer the appropriate services as soon as possible. Similarly, should a Vulnerable Customer feel the need to flag a change in circumstances, or otherwise update their records, they may contact our Customer Services.
- Our Customer Services can be contacted in any of the following ways: Phone: [ ]
- Email at: [ ]
- Webchat: [ ]
- Post: [ ]
If you are hard of hearing, for example, we can help you access different ways to communicate remotely with others and with us.
Please see the list of services we have to support you below.
Our Services
It is important to note that access to landline or broadband services may not work if there is a power-cut or other power failure. If you rely on these services, in particular for access to emergency services (for example police, fire, ambulance or coastguard services), you should ensure that you have made alternative arrangements.
If you have services, such as medical devices, which rely on your landline or broadband service, it is important you check with the service provider or manufacturer that this service is compatible with our services.
Pozitive offers a variety of support services. Please get in touch with our Customer Services should you wish to request access to a service or discuss any of these services in more detail. Our services include:
1. Alternative Formats
there are various ways we are able to provide documents and information on request. This includes large print, electronic copies, Braille and coloured paper. Nearly all our documents are available in these alternative formats.
2. Directory Enquiry Information
There are various ways we are able to provide access to directory enquiry services and directory information,
You can also apply for free directory assistance and information by calling BT Directory Assistance on 195.
3. Relay Service
This service is available for both fixed and mobile phones and allows for a conversation to be typed into a phone keypad and then connected with the person being contacted. A relay assistant will help connect you to the person you wish to call and they will assist the conversation.
For further information on how the services work please follow the link:
4. Priority Fault Repair
if you are relying on your fixed telephone service or your broadband service, you can register for Priority Fault Repair. This service is available to those who depend on these services due to a vulnerability and the loss of this service would pose an imminent risk to your health and safety. Repairs are carried out as soon as feasibly practicable given the nature of the fault, which is often outside of our control and which may prevent an immediate response. Examples would be where adverse weather such as storms or floods prevent repairs from being undertaken.
5. Registering your mobile to send Emergency SMS messages
You can contact the Emergency Services (Police / Fire / Ambulance / Coastguard) by SMS (i.e., “text message”) rather than dialing 999 or 112 – but you need to be registered first. To register, please follow the below process:
- Send the word ‘register’ in an SMS message to 999.
- You will then receive SMS messages about the service.
- When you have read these SMS messages reply by sending ‘yes’ in an SMS message to 999.
For more information please go to:
6. Contact the Emergency Services using British Sign Language (BSL)
If you are deaf, hard of hearing, or have a speech impediment, you may wish to access video relay services for contacting emergency services.
999 BSL, is available either via the app or the website, and connects you to British Sign Language (BSL) interpreters remotely. The interpreter will relay the conversation with the call handler and emergency authorities.
You don’t have to register for the service. You can download the app or use a web browser for free.
You can make a 999 call via this web address
You can download the app from
For more detail, please click on this link for a short video about the service
7. Third party bill management
This service enables you to nominate a third party or Power of Attorney to help manage your account. This person will be able to make changes to your account, discuss your account with Customer Service and make payments. This should be a trusted person as you will still be responsible for any actions taken on your account. They will not be liable as they are acting on your behalf and you will still be responsible for the bill.
We continually monitor the service we provide and value your feedback.